Thursday, August 27, 2015

Part 2: Pinterest Post Promotion - #NoMoreGlueHeads

Okay, who guessed that when I asked for "glue head doll" links, I was thinking "Pinterest board?"

Much as I "love" Mattel for their creativity and their 50+ years of playscale fashion doll production, even I say, "Enough is enough." Dolls should NOT ooze greasy goo. We do not want gluehead dolls; we should not have them. They are a greater threat to Mattel's customer relations than the Bratz, Lammily, or any doll to come. With that mindset, I wondered: how to draw Mattel's attention to this problem? A start would be to gather every website mentioning it under one (or more) Pinterest boards. Ta da. Let me introduce my latest Pinterest board ...


What do you think of Part 2? I'm curious. Feedback, comments are always welcome. (Relevant comments.)


BlackKitty said...

I like the board. I think you should add a link to the previous post in the board description to make it easier for other people to contribute.

Vanessa said...

Great idea. Another thing you can do is see if they have a twitter feed and send it directly to them. I did that to Target when I was upset about them charging double for the SIS dolls. I have been fortunate not to experience the glue head problem, but that would drive me crazy.

billa's dolls and fashions said...

Looks like a great idea D7ana, I subscribed to the board and looks fine.
I hope Mattel will take notice!

Barb the Evil Genius said...

I agree with Vanessa that you ought to let Mattel know a little more directly. Otherwise, good start. I'll send anything that I see your way.

jSarie said...

Solid idea for a board!

Anderson's All-Purpose said...

Finally a reason to start using my Pinterest account! :)

I was going to suggest pinning a few photos from Flickr of clumps of glue removed from doll heads, stained packaging etc. A picture is worth a thousand words, and even if it doesn't add any new information, it does show that people have noticed the problem.

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea, I'm sure lots and lots of people have photos or videos about this subject. Mattel should be made aware of this glue problem in as many ways as possible!

Muff said...

Something for them to take notice of!

D7ana said...

Hi BlackKitty, Vanessa Morrison, Billa's dolls and fashions, Barb the Evil Genius, jSarie, Anderson's All-Purpose, Linda - Darkroom Dolls, and Muff! Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. Flickr photos would count. I'd like to gather many pins before sending Mattel notice. I think it would have more impact that way.

Yay, us! Back pats for all!

Cindi Mortensen said...

Great idea D7ana! I think Mattel should be made aware of the glue problem wherever one can get their attention i.e Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook etc. Like Vanessa I've never had a glue problem with any of my dolls, but many people are. Hopefully Mattel will take notice. :-)

Georgia Girl said...

Great idea to gather your Pins first. There is power in numbers. I have only had one doll with the glue and it was disgusting! It happened to me before I even knew that other people were having this same issue. I hope that Mattel takes note of it and do something about it.

The grandmommy said...

I am sure Mattel already knows. They just need to hear it en masse from the collectors etc. Great idea! I am sure you will make a difference!

D7ana said...

Hi Cindi Mortensen, Georgia Girl, and The grandmommy! Thanks for your feedback and suggestions. I believe Mattel is aware of the problem. Whether they act on it, that's another matter. My aim is to show - pins - how unpleasant and damaging the glueheads are.